This morning, as I continue my chronological read of the Bible (just four days remain...and four more readings), I paused on an expression by John in the book of Revelation and then scanned down to the study note to read that John scripted this expression four times throughout the book: "And instantly I was in the Spirit..." (Rev. 4:2a)
To many, John is an example of enduring nearly the impossible: boiled in oil. What a harsh repercussion for standing for the Lord. Yet. Following this, he was banished to Patmos where he was given Revelation. Here, we learn how the story ends...and then continues into eternity. Praises!
Part of me thinks that John would suffer even much more to be "in the Spirit." Okay...all of me! Wow! I can only imagine. Can you? To be in the see that old dragon conquered once and for see The One on the white Horse, riding in, to save me...and you...for all eternity.
Just makes you want to raise those hands and begin the praising!
As 2017 comes to a close, I want this scripture. I claim this scripture: "And instantly I was in the Spirit..."...through reading His Word, through praying to Him, through fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters centered around learning The Word ever more. When I face the questions, the tasks, the stalemates, I want to be so close to Him that He answers for me, that He fills my brain for of His Understanding, His Love, His Knowledge. Just. Like. That.
Several years ago, the Lord began awaking me early...wide in, no chance or even want-to to return to snoozing under those warm covers. I, instantly, visualized that first cup of coffee...and spending time with Him in The Word. Over the past three years, I have read the Bible cover to cover, using a chronological Bible. The best of times, learning more Bible than I previously knew...ever. (I have also completed several Bible studies, which contributed to my learning also...and I, too, have listened more attentively to messages at church. Yep. That really helps!)
I have much to learn. The more I learn, the more I am concerned I am still drinking milk...and not eating enough meat, as Paul discusses in I Corinthians. I like milk. But. I need protein. I need that meat! I need that "instantly in the Spirit." For the times when I am reading The Word. For those in need of a Word who God will plant in my path. For revelations that occur when I re-read a verse for the upteenth time and finally understand what I did not before. Yes, I need and want meat!
As this year draws to a close, I am watching for verses to take into 2018 with me....yes, Rev. 4:2a, this one will go with me.
What has been your verse(s) for 2017? Had God given you any for 2018? Just ask Him...He will!
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Saturday, December 23, 2017
God Has a Face
This season, I have spent some time in Max Lucado's Because of Bethlehem and have so enjoyed his perspective...especially on God's choice to have a face; he came as a baby.
As we discussed in our youth Sunday School class, Jesus could have come as anyone, as any of our favorite heroes...I chose Iron Man! Seriously! Jesus really IS Iron Man!
BUT He came as a baby.
He knew that one day I would need to know that He lived and faced and conquered every sin that I will ever tempt me...that He did so and never sinned...that He did so and sacrificed himself just for me. And you.
Can you image the emotions that Mary felt as she first perused the face of Jesus, knowing who He really was...and is...and will be?
There, she held The Perfection. Yet. The mom in her must have searched, touched, loved on her first baby, her son, Baby Jesus.
This face would change the world. This face would change me. This face continues to change me.
Thank you, God, for sending a face to the earth.
Merry CHRISTmas to me...and you!
As we discussed in our youth Sunday School class, Jesus could have come as anyone, as any of our favorite heroes...I chose Iron Man! Seriously! Jesus really IS Iron Man!
BUT He came as a baby.
He knew that one day I would need to know that He lived and faced and conquered every sin that I will ever tempt me...that He did so and never sinned...that He did so and sacrificed himself just for me. And you.
Can you image the emotions that Mary felt as she first perused the face of Jesus, knowing who He really was...and is...and will be?
"...and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger..." (Luke 2:7)I can remember as a new mom, just staring at my baby's face, searching for continual perfections. Unwrapping the blankets, checking out the toes, inspecting each finger, the ears...just in love with each and every cell.
There, she held The Perfection. Yet. The mom in her must have searched, touched, loved on her first baby, her son, Baby Jesus.
This face would change the world. This face would change me. This face continues to change me.
Thank you, God, for sending a face to the earth.
Merry CHRISTmas to me...and you!
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Christmas Break Begins 26th Christmas break (as a teacher) began...and I spent the day with The Husband...out and about, meeting family, having lunch, shopping some, checking off my Christmas to-do list, the one that I just began today, as this has been quite the busy time, a busy semester, a busy month...just busy!
Speaking of busy...may I backtrack...and share three Christmas parties I attended this week?
God's timing is just perfect, isn't it? Just when I need this rest, He provides two weeks just for me...(well, and every other teacher across the land!) He is just BIG that way!
Today...Day 1...I have enjoyed...and then on the way home, The Husband shared...reminded me...that this year's Christmas Eve Hayride will be the 25th year. Wow! He wanted a sign...I envisioned a painting, a real one, that we might keep and hang as a souvenir, so the idea was planted and is already coming to fruition, for he found the board, and the painting has begun...finished product to be chatted about in a future post.
A very good day!
Hope you find rest this season. Merry Christmas!
Speaking of busy...may I backtrack...and share three Christmas parties I attended this week?
- Making Choices Bible Study...dinner with my Jesus Gal Pals. This one time, we have dinner, play Dirty Santa with ornaments, and laugh...and laugh. A good time! These seven ladies bless me...all the way to my soul.
- Then, on to Wednesday evening and Christmas with the children and youth at church, where we made snowflake ornaments and discussed how God made us...all different yet the same. Goodness, were these kiddos hyped up! Used that energy to make those ornaments to place on the now full tree!
- On Thursday evening, the Women's Ministry Team provided dinner for the pastors' wives in our church association, followed by a paint party, hosted by self-trained me. We painted one I entitled "He Grew the Trees." Yes, He grew the very trees on which He and the two thieves would one day hang.
A blessed season this has already been.
Yet...I am so looking forward to the next two weeks, for I so need Matthew 11:28:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."I need sleep. I need to not talk. I need to cook (and clean!). I need hours at home with nowhere to go. I need snow. (AND this awesome white stuff is in the forecast...multiple times! Yay!) I need rest.
God's timing is just perfect, isn't it? Just when I need this rest, He provides two weeks just for me...(well, and every other teacher across the land!) He is just BIG that way!
Today...Day 1...I have enjoyed...and then on the way home, The Husband shared...reminded me...that this year's Christmas Eve Hayride will be the 25th year. Wow! He wanted a sign...I envisioned a painting, a real one, that we might keep and hang as a souvenir, so the idea was planted and is already coming to fruition, for he found the board, and the painting has begun...finished product to be chatted about in a future post.
A very good day!
Hope you find rest this season. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 15, 2017
Less Is More
This has been a liberating season for me. May I share?
For years (literally!), my calling at my church has been to fill in...just wherever I was needed. The problem? Once I begin something, though, that event, project, endeavor becomes my baby, and who likes throwing out the baby with the dishwater? (From wherever did that saying begin?!)
Then, a series of serious events (at least to me!) begin to happen...until the straw broke (yes, I do seem be full of cliches this evening!). As I accepted the broken straw...over a span of minutes...maybe a few hours?...there came a liberation from the Lord to give up. Not to give up. To just begin doing my part. This week has been just that, a time to reflect and to share, to choose, to let go, to begin doing less, so that I might begin doing more.
My prayer request this week to my prayer team has been that God grant me wisdom as I listen and He continues to guide. Would you pray that prayer for me...that wisdom be given to me, that I use only His Wisdom?
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
I need more time with the Lord: time to be in His Word. This year I will complete only my second reading of the Bible cover to cover. Shame on me! I should have been doing this for years! Much is to be said about reading the Bible chronologically and absorbing the narrative of His Coming...from Genesis to Revelations.
Yes, slowing down and reading less is also important. Choosing a study and landing there to marinate in The Word. Slowing down and re-reading verses, chapters, even books of the Bible, absorbing the answers as He speaks through the pages of my several Bibles.
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
Being over involved simply means that I am stretched too thin, resulting in my never quite accomplishing much to my potential. Yes, many activities occur, fellowships are hosted, events occur....but am I also hindering others from working for The Lord? I hope not. I certainly do not want to one day hear, "Lord, I would done more for the church, but Tammy...she just took care of things." What?! No!
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
More with my family. The Husband has been diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis in his feet. The Girl, who is doing well, well...I am not willing to give up these years anymore and miss time with her. Some weeks, I am gone 4-5 nights a week for other activities. This week, for instance, three nights were spent attending three Christmas parties. Fun! So...okay...we should not judge based on this week! It's Christmas! Yay!
I am interested in focusing more on my Bible study group...of ever learning The Word with them. This group of ladies bless me every time we meet. Every time. I am also so blessed by the studies He has sent us toward.
My dream...yes, to do less so that I may accomplish more.
I could go on...and will, for I have chosen the word less as by 2018 My One Word. Or did The Lord choose this word for me? I am so enjoying the peace that has come with this word. If you know me, you are saying right now...yes, I can hear you!..."This must be the Lord, for that Tammy is always busy, and she wants to do less?!"
Yes, I am ready to do I may do more.
What word is He giving you for 2018? To what is He leading you to do...or not to do?
For years (literally!), my calling at my church has been to fill in...just wherever I was needed. The problem? Once I begin something, though, that event, project, endeavor becomes my baby, and who likes throwing out the baby with the dishwater? (From wherever did that saying begin?!)
Then, a series of serious events (at least to me!) begin to happen...until the straw broke (yes, I do seem be full of cliches this evening!). As I accepted the broken straw...over a span of minutes...maybe a few hours?...there came a liberation from the Lord to give up. Not to give up. To just begin doing my part. This week has been just that, a time to reflect and to share, to choose, to let go, to begin doing less, so that I might begin doing more.
My prayer request this week to my prayer team has been that God grant me wisdom as I listen and He continues to guide. Would you pray that prayer for me...that wisdom be given to me, that I use only His Wisdom?
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
I need more time with the Lord: time to be in His Word. This year I will complete only my second reading of the Bible cover to cover. Shame on me! I should have been doing this for years! Much is to be said about reading the Bible chronologically and absorbing the narrative of His Coming...from Genesis to Revelations.
Yes, slowing down and reading less is also important. Choosing a study and landing there to marinate in The Word. Slowing down and re-reading verses, chapters, even books of the Bible, absorbing the answers as He speaks through the pages of my several Bibles.
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
Being over involved simply means that I am stretched too thin, resulting in my never quite accomplishing much to my potential. Yes, many activities occur, fellowships are hosted, events occur....but am I also hindering others from working for The Lord? I hope not. I certainly do not want to one day hear, "Lord, I would done more for the church, but Tammy...she just took care of things." What?! No!
I really need to do less so that I might do more.
More with my family. The Husband has been diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis in his feet. The Girl, who is doing well, well...I am not willing to give up these years anymore and miss time with her. Some weeks, I am gone 4-5 nights a week for other activities. This week, for instance, three nights were spent attending three Christmas parties. Fun! So...okay...we should not judge based on this week! It's Christmas! Yay!
I am interested in focusing more on my Bible study group...of ever learning The Word with them. This group of ladies bless me every time we meet. Every time. I am also so blessed by the studies He has sent us toward.
My dream...yes, to do less so that I may accomplish more.
I could go on...and will, for I have chosen the word less as by 2018 My One Word. Or did The Lord choose this word for me? I am so enjoying the peace that has come with this word. If you know me, you are saying right now...yes, I can hear you!..."This must be the Lord, for that Tammy is always busy, and she wants to do less?!"
Yes, I am ready to do I may do more.
What word is He giving you for 2018? To what is He leading you to do...or not to do?
Friday, November 10, 2017
Join Me...As I Give Thanks...
Days 3-9: Thankful I am to have a busy life that has included the following:
- Last Friday night, as we do on most Friday evenings, The Husband and I enjoyed dinner and a couple of movies, right here in our own home. We do enjoy that time. Very much.
- Last Saturday and Sunday, my family provided a way that I might stay home last weekend (which had not happened since my sister had surgery)...I was also sick and did not need to be around my sister, so that worked out nicely. I finished a baby quilt, worked on another for my brother, and did a bit of straightening/, not too much!
- On Monday evening, we hosted the first of two meetings of ARA's last book club for 2017 as we read Louis Sachar's Fuzzy Mud. The main character is in 5th grade...but...and...I am really enjoying the novel! Very much!
- On Tuesday evening, I enjoyed having dinner with my Paper Chase Book Club friends and chatting about our current read. This group of ladies...I like them.
- Then, on Wednesday, three of us worked with our church's children and youth and finished 59 Samaritan Shoeboxes. What a blessing!
- Last evening, I spent with two Lyon College students in my methods class where we chatted about...several topics! of which was our presentation for next week's ARA Literacy Conference. Fun! Well, it will be...when we are ready!
- Today, I was granted the gift of time when I remained behind and did not attend the College Fair with my seniors. This past 8 1/2 weeks of Judy's Journey has taken much time, so being granted these extra few hours was needed...and appreciated. Much.
Yes, a busy week. I am blessed. Every day.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Day 2: Today, I Am Thankful...
This evening, I am thankful for the Peacemaker who lives within me...24/7.
Saved when I was 12, He has never left me. Now, I may have wandered just a bit, not always remaining as close to Him as I should have, which is my greatest regret in my life...that I have not lived as close to Him as I have in the last five years. Big regret.
He is forgiving, fulfilling, faithful.
Every day.
While we go through trials, he brings us through others. During which, He gives peace.
Last night, I received a message asking if I might speak with a family who has a baby born with a heart defect. Yes. I pray now that God bless this family, this mom, with the same faith that He gave me the day I was told my three-month old baby would need a heart and lung transplant.
Man says one thing. God whispers, "No, that is not my will."
Instead, My Girl had three heart surgeries over 2 1/2 years, and then the doctor told this momma, "She is normal."
Praise the Lord! She was. She is! Every day of her 18 years!
"God is on the move, on the move.
God is on the move
In many mighty ways!"
Saved when I was 12, He has never left me. Now, I may have wandered just a bit, not always remaining as close to Him as I should have, which is my greatest regret in my life...that I have not lived as close to Him as I have in the last five years. Big regret.
He is forgiving, fulfilling, faithful.
Every day.
While we go through trials, he brings us through others. During which, He gives peace.
Last night, I received a message asking if I might speak with a family who has a baby born with a heart defect. Yes. I pray now that God bless this family, this mom, with the same faith that He gave me the day I was told my three-month old baby would need a heart and lung transplant.
Man says one thing. God whispers, "No, that is not my will."
Instead, My Girl had three heart surgeries over 2 1/2 years, and then the doctor told this momma, "She is normal."
Praise the Lord! She was. She is! Every day of her 18 years!
"God is on the move, on the move.
God is on the move
In many mighty ways!"
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Day 1: I am thankful for...
For the past several years, I have attempted to post each day throughout November and remind myself of my many blessings.
Shall we begin?
Day 1: On this first day of November and having now traveled Judy's Journey for the past seven weeks, I am most thankful that my sister is a miracle who has such a tremendous prayer support group on Facebook.
On September 11, my sister had surgery on a herniated stomach, during which she suffered an injury to her lower bowel, from which resulted her obtaining a flesh eating bacteria. That's right...yuck! As of today, she has had 15 surgeries and numerous ups and downs on this very tumultuous roller coaster ride.
Over the past several weeks, though, we have learned much...primarily that God is faithful. We have learned we are strong, we are loyal, we are woman! Yeah! :)
Tonight, despite, where we have been...I am so thankful for where we are.
Monday, October 9, 2017
The New Normal?
“The Girls” and I are working out a plan to stay with my sister who is taking quite the journey on her medical excursion. Since we last chatted, we moved her to a different hospital, where today she will have her third procedure in the operating room, where she now suffers from hospital delirium. Yes. Bless her.
Is this our new normal? Why this journey?
You know the answer. This is a plan that God is using to His Glory. Every step of the way.
What Glory do we witness?
- The powerful prayer group that has come together. United. I feel their faith, I remind them of their faith, the family and I need their faith. This journey will be long...sometimes, just knowing the wall of faith is there remains such a constant.
- The family has chatted and learned to work together as we have never had to in the past. While my other sister took A Medical Journey two years ago, while we then thought her journey was huge (and it was!), this one exceeds much. Having Judy’s kids onboard (as they should be...and want to be) has resulted in a connection that perhaps has been a bit hit and miss. But no more.
- Life goes on. I knew this. Maybe I just needed a reminder. While ‘tis true that when one is busy, one feels the responsibility of that busyness...even enjoys the busyness as God provides the want-to and the strength do the jobs by which my name is placed. But. Everyone is replaceable. Maybe I needed a reminder? I don’t know. Whether the need was there or not, I am getting one!
- My principal’s leadership strength has shown through. He says go...when I need to go. He offers prayers...we always need them. This has been a blessing.
As for Judy...
- She needs a miracle. I post daily on her Facebook group page and often am frustrated at the lack of comprehension as they focus on each post, seemingly forgetting the others, forgetting the magnitude of her condition.
- This journey will be so very long and so many things could change along the way, which is why we must look for what God wants as we take each step. Reminder: He will use this journey for His Glory.
- She needs a miracle: she has a huge wound that has yet to begin to heal...from which much is still draining from the unjury to her bowel. This is the reality.
- Judy is a woman of faith. Amen.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Transition Time
My sister has had the first of four (so far) surgeries, journey that began two weeks ago today. This time we are in is NOT what author Henry Blackaby in his book Called to Be God's Leader, a study of Joshua, would refer to as "transition time." Now, more than ever, though, I am thankful for times of transition.
What, according to Blackaby, is a transition time? The time in-between. Joshua's 40 years waiting to enter the Promised Land...that was a tremendous time of transition for Joshua, the time between having entered the land with the other 11 spies and then, 40 years later, leading the people across the Jordan River.
What is a transition time? That time when everything is going right, the time between valleys.
During such times, we need to be a Joshua. During his 40 years, he learned, he studied, he followed, he prepared for his time when the Lord would call him to action.
So often, though, when life is good, we do not dive into The Word as we should; we do not meditate on the narratives of the Bible; we fail to spend time reflecting on the what He has done for us; we waste time not allowing the Lord to speak; we just do not study to show ourselves approved.
Why not? During the good times, we stay even busier instead of slowing down and spending time with Him. AND He wants us to enjoy life, to be a disciple, to display Christ-like characteristics, to lead others to the knowledge of Him. BUT He wants me to spend time with Him, so I am better prepared for the valleys.
Yesterday, I took a day from visiting with my sister...or looking at my sister, as she lies in ICU, fighting to recover from this Journey of Judy. I took a day to go to church, to sit, to rest, to absorb, to study, to learn, to refresh. I just needed this day of transition to pause and prepare for whatever lies within the minutes of next week as Judy's recovery begins, continues...or this journey has already been quite the roller coaster ride.
I suppose I see Blackaby's term transition time as having the same purpose of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not a day to do nothing. The Sabbath is a day to spend with The Lord, a day to rest in Him, even a day to work for Him, to teach for Him, to reach towards Him.
How refreshing this transition day was. Just what Dr. Jesus ordered.
What, according to Blackaby, is a transition time? The time in-between. Joshua's 40 years waiting to enter the Promised Land...that was a tremendous time of transition for Joshua, the time between having entered the land with the other 11 spies and then, 40 years later, leading the people across the Jordan River.
What is a transition time? That time when everything is going right, the time between valleys.
During such times, we need to be a Joshua. During his 40 years, he learned, he studied, he followed, he prepared for his time when the Lord would call him to action.
So often, though, when life is good, we do not dive into The Word as we should; we do not meditate on the narratives of the Bible; we fail to spend time reflecting on the what He has done for us; we waste time not allowing the Lord to speak; we just do not study to show ourselves approved.
Why not? During the good times, we stay even busier instead of slowing down and spending time with Him. AND He wants us to enjoy life, to be a disciple, to display Christ-like characteristics, to lead others to the knowledge of Him. BUT He wants me to spend time with Him, so I am better prepared for the valleys.
Yesterday, I took a day from visiting with my sister...or looking at my sister, as she lies in ICU, fighting to recover from this Journey of Judy. I took a day to go to church, to sit, to rest, to absorb, to study, to learn, to refresh. I just needed this day of transition to pause and prepare for whatever lies within the minutes of next week as Judy's recovery begins, continues...or this journey has already been quite the roller coaster ride.
I suppose I see Blackaby's term transition time as having the same purpose of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not a day to do nothing. The Sabbath is a day to spend with The Lord, a day to rest in Him, even a day to work for Him, to teach for Him, to reach towards Him.
How refreshing this transition day was. Just what Dr. Jesus ordered.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Time: Where Are You?
A month since I posted! Really? Where does time go?! AND I have much to be writing.
Such as...
Such as...
- Sat in an ER room with a friend with kidney stones, full of infection, yet always ready with a laugh. There in that room, about 1 AM, the Lord used my mouth to help direct to which hospital she would NOT be sent. I felt sooooo strongly that she should not be go to the one she mentioned. Why? Not sure. Just knew that traveling there was not His Plan. Sometimes, He uses us in the dead of the night to be His Mouthpiece. May we ever be willing to travel.
- For the last two Sundays, I have taught youth Sunday School, leaving my former class where I had spent the last several years. Sometimes, one has to move on. Sometimes, one has to fill a need. Sometimes, one receives a blessing in both. This past Sunday, we had two newbies, who seemed to be sponges, absorbing nuggets from each topic. Please help me pray that they return.
- Last Friday, several of us attend the Compass Fall Banquet. Fun! The food filled. The fellowship fulfilled. The tables inspired (we were asked to create our own centerpieces.) The desserts sweetened (one of our ladies won second!) The theme motivated. Yes, a success.
- On Saturday, two others and I joined about 100 ladies from across the state for the 2nd Annual Women's Leadership University...where I won two tickets to hear Beth Moore next year in Hot Springs. Yay! Yay! This was such a blessed day to spend with Jesus Girls. A full day of learning and being reminded why we do what we do. (Did I mention I ordered four books while there...thanks to the book recommendations by the speakers? I may never recover from my book-buying love. Just do not see that happening in the near future!)
- Now, I sit my sister recovers from quite the major surgery. Bless her. While I enjoyed breakfast this morning, I watched and listened. To a young man, who sat and blessed his food. To an older son (50ies at least) argue with his mother. As I left, I left some money with the young man for his lunch. He blessed me. Maybe I blessed him.
- During the time I have sat with The Sister, she has mentioned both days that mom and dad have come to pray for her. Mom and Dad are in heaven. What this says to me? The Sister has been really sick and she desires the prayers of people who she knows has contact with The Great Physician. She would appreciate your prayers, also.
I know more has happened...but The Sister is snoozing. In case you have forgotten or are blessed enough to not know, when the patient sleeps, the one staying should also snooze, for hospitals are not always a place of rest. Goodness! These hospital helpers just do not sleep!
Saturday, August 12, 2017
The Power of One Believer
For the past few days, I have been reading about Hezekiah...the King the Old Testament.
My attention was perked when I read that during Hezekiah's time was "one of the greatest revivals in history." Because of one man. Because of a remnant. Because of several praying prophets who heeded God's message.
Hezekiah just stands out...for he was a "good" king in a line of awful, no-good, really bad kings. Oh my goodness. God even extended his life 15 years!
I recently read (I wish I could remember where) about 14-year-old Florrie Evans who stood up in a service, proclaiming, "I love Jesus Christ with all my heart," who is now credited with beginning a revival.
The power of one believer.
The Bible also gives us many other examples. Yet. Why do we not believe that we...I...can have that power? Is the answer, "You have not because you ask not?" (James 4:2) If we dig even deeper, do we have not because the mustard seeds are lacking?
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for our leaders because the Bibles says to do so...and because I want to do so, for I so want them to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for the women of our nation, in my church, in my Bible Study to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for those living morally in ways that the Bible condemns to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for my family to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray I heed the calling of Jesus Christ on my life.
The Calling: to go into ALL the world.
My World: my job, my church, my community.
I want just a little faith. Okay...maybe two mustard seeds. Even a jar full would not be too much to ask!
The last two Sundays this has been a focus in my Sunday School class as I have shared with them that I pray they have more faith, that God give them the gift of more faith. More faith. What a mighty gift!
When I learned that my daughter, at three months old, would need a heart and lung transplant, I remember the second He placed the faith in my heart that she would be okay. As sure as I have always been of my Salvation, I knew she would.
I did not know the journey He would send us on to one day hear her heart surgeon say, "She is normal." I did not know that she would nearly have to die for an angel to appear and find a "true pulmonary artery." I did not know all the people who needed my daughter's condition to be so they would either come back to Him...or simply not be able to deny His Existence. I did not know the babies we would pray for along the way that He would heal, for the families we prayed for as their babies eased into Heaven.
I just knew she would be okay.
She is now 18 and begins her freshman year in a week...all because of a Mustard Seed. AND she still has her own heart and lungs. No transplant was needed. Just some take a journey of faith with Him.
Please say these powerful words with me: "I love Jesus Christ with all my heart."
Those are revival-starting words! May you experience a revival with Him as you have never experienced before.
My attention was perked when I read that during Hezekiah's time was "one of the greatest revivals in history." Because of one man. Because of a remnant. Because of several praying prophets who heeded God's message.
Hezekiah just stands out...for he was a "good" king in a line of awful, no-good, really bad kings. Oh my goodness. God even extended his life 15 years!
I recently read (I wish I could remember where) about 14-year-old Florrie Evans who stood up in a service, proclaiming, "I love Jesus Christ with all my heart," who is now credited with beginning a revival.
The power of one believer.
The Bible also gives us many other examples. Yet. Why do we not believe that we...I...can have that power? Is the answer, "You have not because you ask not?" (James 4:2) If we dig even deeper, do we have not because the mustard seeds are lacking?
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for our leaders because the Bibles says to do so...and because I want to do so, for I so want them to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for the women of our nation, in my church, in my Bible Study to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for those living morally in ways that the Bible condemns to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray for my family to heed the calling of Jesus Christ on their lives.
Here's a Mustard Seed for you...I pray I heed the calling of Jesus Christ on my life.
The Calling: to go into ALL the world.
My World: my job, my church, my community.
I want just a little faith. Okay...maybe two mustard seeds. Even a jar full would not be too much to ask!
The last two Sundays this has been a focus in my Sunday School class as I have shared with them that I pray they have more faith, that God give them the gift of more faith. More faith. What a mighty gift!
When I learned that my daughter, at three months old, would need a heart and lung transplant, I remember the second He placed the faith in my heart that she would be okay. As sure as I have always been of my Salvation, I knew she would.
I did not know the journey He would send us on to one day hear her heart surgeon say, "She is normal." I did not know that she would nearly have to die for an angel to appear and find a "true pulmonary artery." I did not know all the people who needed my daughter's condition to be so they would either come back to Him...or simply not be able to deny His Existence. I did not know the babies we would pray for along the way that He would heal, for the families we prayed for as their babies eased into Heaven.
I just knew she would be okay.
She is now 18 and begins her freshman year in a week...all because of a Mustard Seed. AND she still has her own heart and lungs. No transplant was needed. Just some take a journey of faith with Him.
Please say these powerful words with me: "I love Jesus Christ with all my heart."
Those are revival-starting words! May you experience a revival with Him as you have never experienced before.
Friday, August 4, 2017
While I Have Been Silent...
Although I have not been present here, the Lord has been very much present in the last few weeks. May I begin to share? (In my scurrying here and there, I have been making lists, one of which is a list of topics on which I have thoughts for here; hope to have much to say soon!)
- During July, I spent 19 days straight days in meetings, of one sort or another. Before I began them, I asked the Lord to plant people in my path...or to plant me in their paths. He did. He also removed me from paths. He is just like that! From Las Vegas to Orlando to Trumann to Searcy to right in my own home town, He was there, and I am grateful.
- During these travels, I spent much time with new and old friends whom God has placed in my life, a prayer answered I prayed a few years ago...for God to send me friends that are ladies. Has He blessed me! Traveled to National Board meeting with three, to ILA with seven, met two in Truman, several in Searcy, and peers at school. I am so very grateful.
- I applied for a position within our building. Never even got an acknowledgement of receipt of my resume that I submitted to two, much less an interview. After learning that an elementary teacher received this secondary position and after about two minutes of feeling as professionally insulted as I ever have, I thanked the Lord for answering another prayer. Now, I am praying I accept this answer with grace, for my human side does seem to want to rule at times! May it not. For that, I will be most grateful.
- Within my family, I have witnessed so many prayers answered, amazingly so. God is just so mindful. My husband was diagnosed with a rare and advancing form of arthritis in his feet, which has resulted in a major lifestyle change for him...and for me, yet through it all, this extreme has also resulted in his drawing ever closer to the Lord. I am grateful.
- My daughter was involved in another wreck (third in a year...none of which were her fault)...and she turned 18. That's right...the Lord has work for her to do! She is also learning to give her testimony. For this day, I prayed. I will continue to tell her story...four heart/lung surgeries...amazing, she is. Amazing, He is. For this testimony and these 18 years, I am grateful.
Certainly is great to be so grateful! For what are you most grateful?
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
FUGE Summer Camp - Convergence, Part 1
I am in Mobile, Alabama, as I type this...

- as Tropical Storm Cindy makes landfall
- as I spend the week with five young ladies
- as I am being blessed (even though I am a bit stressed at times with five girls)
- as I attend my second FUGE camp.
Just wanted to write a quick note, for we are off to Worship in just a few minutes to jot down a few reflections about this week.
- One should always bring two chaperones, or one will be constantly pulled in too many directions. Next year, I just want to be the van driver. I like that job. Now, if the Lord would just see fit to work that out so that other chaperones will attend? :)
- My daughter wanted to do MFUGE...instead of Centrifuge, so I got her and another girl and myself switched. Now, we go off campus each day and spend time with some group around Mobile this week just enjoying our time together. So far, we have spent time at a community center, a home for physically/mentally challenged people, and a homeless shelter. Oh, my. Many mixed emotions the last two days. Sadness. Appreciation. I. Am. Just. So. Blessed.
- My group of girls...the Fantastic FUGEttes...need just a touch this week. All five of them have needs. Such huge needs. What a group. I look forward to being able to write about them...hopefully, in Part 2.
- For the first time in my life, I have had a Tropical Storm Warning pop up on my phone. That just does not happen in Arkansas. No, Not ever. Just for the sake of memories, I screenshot the image! We are safe...but often wet...for it is raining...and raining...and raining! With an occasional tornado warning here and there.
- Our church group staff member is amazing...and the area of missions. I do pray the Lord blesses her abundantly for her efforts.
Off to Worship...
Oh, HUGE thanks to Sulphur Rock Baptist for funding this trip for the girls. Not sure they realize how blessed they are. I hope they do.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Women's Conference: Part 2
How has this event come and gone already? Such a blessing was the third annual SRBC Women's Conference, hosted on June 2-3.
I would change little about the conference...only to wish that more had chosen to attend, for it was such a blessing, from the fellowship, to the sessions, to the food, to the decorations, to those who chose to attend, to the music. Absolutely fun! Indeed!
Our guest speaker was Andrea Lennon of True Vine Ministries. Andrea also serves as director of women's ministries for the Arkansas Southern Baptist Convention. A role model, a disciple, always working for the Lord.
She led four sessions centered on the topic of freedom, of which may we ever have more of for Jesus. The ladies absolutely loved her. Yes, without a doubt, we would recommend her.
Our word for next year is growth...but for now, may we marinate in the freedom to do...or for the freedom we ever seek to learn about Him and do for Him, for as Paul so well said in 2 Corinthians 3:17: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
I would change little about the conference...only to wish that more had chosen to attend, for it was such a blessing, from the fellowship, to the sessions, to the food, to the decorations, to those who chose to attend, to the music. Absolutely fun! Indeed!
Our guest speaker was Andrea Lennon of True Vine Ministries. Andrea also serves as director of women's ministries for the Arkansas Southern Baptist Convention. A role model, a disciple, always working for the Lord.
She led four sessions centered on the topic of freedom, of which may we ever have more of for Jesus. The ladies absolutely loved her. Yes, without a doubt, we would recommend her.
Our word for next year is growth...but for now, may we marinate in the freedom to do...or for the freedom we ever seek to learn about Him and do for Him, for as Paul so well said in 2 Corinthians 3:17: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
Monday, May 29, 2017
Women's Conference...Part 1

My hope this year is that we accomplish much over Monday - Wednesday, so we may have some time for rest and prayer before the conference. We'll see...much to do!
This year's theme is Freedom. The Lord gave me this word as I was driving to the conference last year. No...I don't know 2018's word yet. Maybe He is going to give it to someone else to share. OR maybe it's not time for me to drive to Friday night's event!
As I have begun working on the conference and thinking about this word, I realize that Freedom has two places in my life:
- Freedom chains are broken.
- Freedom links are chained together.
I have needed both...and I still need both.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. - 2 Corinthians 3:17The Lord is there...when the chains need to be broken...and when the links need to be brought together. The devil wants to bind and put us in chains...the Lord will break those chains, freeing His Daughters of the King to ever more link up with Him and His Kingdom, serving Him, working for Him, worshiping with Him. The Lord wants us linked in unity and fellowship...the devil wants those chains not just broken...but destroyed. This week, we loose the chains...and link in fellowship.
See the opposites between the two? The Lord is freedom. The devil is bondage. For the two cannot...nor will they ever...mix.
Every lady attending this weekend is at some point in this chain...some need freed from chains that bind; some need the links strengthened and lengthened. All need more of Him. He will be there.
Even now, we are praying for those attending this event. Some of the ladies may not even know they are attending...but they are...and we are praying for them even now.
How may I pray for you? Will you join us in prayer?
Sunday, May 28, 2017
He Has Anointed Me...and You
This morning, we studied the following scripture in Sunday School class:
Verse 18 still continues to speak to me of the four reasons He was anointed.
17 And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written,18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”20 And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
Verse 18 still continues to speak to me of the four reasons He was anointed.
- proclaim good news to the poor
- proclaim liberty to the captives
- recover the sight to the blind
- liberate the oppressed
He was sent for whom?
- the poor
- the captives
- the blind
- the oppressed
Who are we? Who am I?
- the poor
- the captive
- the blind
- the oppressed
Yes, sometimes, I am physically poor, a captive, blind, and oppressed; sometimes, I fight these areas spiritually.
May I share how I have been ways that had nothing to do with $$$.
- One way that I have been physically poor...few female friends. No one would have ever said this about me, yet I was. I had been married for several years and had drifted from my close girl friends. I missed these relationships, this girl time. So I prayed. This prayer he has answered in a mighty and special way. From book clubs to professional organizations to Bible study groups to women's conferences. Everywhere, the Lord has enriched my life with female friends. May I also note? This answered prayer I do not take lightly. I thank Him much for all my lady friends. I pray for I know they pray for me. Blessed I am.
- During the time of the above prayer request, I experienced the renewal of the joy of the gift of His Salvation to me. Days went by...maybe weeks?...during which the only time I read His Word was when the preacher directed me to do so in church. But I was enriched. I began to dive into Bible studies, both in the Bible and in written studies. I never, ever want to go back to that poor spiritual state, for this joy of salvation is such a sweet place to reside.
Have I been a captive? Blind? Oppressed? Yes, both physically and spiritually. Have you?
I realize that He came for me. Just for me. He died for me. He rose for me. Because He did and I accepted this gift of His Salvation, I am anointed.
For whom are we anointed?
- the poor
- the captives
- the blind
- the oppressed
That's right. Living for Him, we are here to fulfill John 3:16; we are to go into the world for the poor, the captives, the blind, the oppressed, sometimes for their physical needs, sometimes for their spiritual needs.
This is now my prayer:
Dear Lord, please use me to assist Your Children: that I may either plant, cultivate...maybe even help harvest...for Your Kingdom. Open my eyes that I may see the need of the poor, the captives, the blind, the oppressed. Please allow the Holy Spirit that resides in me be helpful to someone in need of You. Amen.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Graduation Week 2017 may want to begin at the bottom of this post and read each day in reverse!
Graduation Day!
Pic 6 of 6: From here through tonight, you have come a long ways, Holly Gayle Gillmore!
To be continued = more pics later! Yay!
One day to G-Day = Graduation!

Because my parents raised "two sets of kids," I grew up with nieces and nephews who were more more like brothers and sisters...precious memories...then that extended into our kids being raised together. Thanks Leah and Mike and Melanie and Brian...who took Holly in and loved on her as one of theirs!
Two summers ago, we all shared more time together than we really wanted when Janet spent some time in the, Janet is having surgery again, and I would ask that you join my family of faith and pray for her this morning and throughout the next few days. Janet's words to me last night, "I believe." What a testimony she now has...just ask her!
My anthem song through the years has been "Only Believe"...many with whom I grew up know this song. There's a line in that song about the doors being shut...I lived this one night in ICU with Holly when they shut our glass paneled our little neighbor eased into Heaven. He surrounded that family and mine...because we only have to believe. From there years ago to here today...because we believed.
The girls tell me dad "would have loved Holly," who she has yet to meet. I agree. She would have been one of his "pride and joys."
Tonight, is Vespers...the church service for our seniors. This is my favorite event of this week (yes, even more so than graduation), for tonight is REALLY what it is all about. 7:30 at First Baptist. Love seeing how they believe.
Two Days to G-Day = Graduation!
Pic 4 of 6: Today is all about the G. First, becoming a Gillmore...what a blessing and a gift in both our lives, changing us, empowering us, loving us
Holly has also been blessed with other names also through the Gillmores...she became a sister, a cousin, a niece, a granddaughter, a sister-in-law...later an aunt to three. Yay!
Holly's life has been forever changed because of Gillmore Farm: she obtained a dad, another family, a home, hayrides, bonfires, shooting guns, deer hunting, and several dogs (and rabbits and horses...and few critters that The Man ensures I do not see!)
Second...Holly's middle name Gayle is spelled exactly like Gayle Ross for a reason...her namesake. Gayle, a friend, a strength, a mentor, a "focal point," just there, always giving to us, a gift from God when Holly and I so needed her...all the way through surgery four (well, she and Johnnie might have learned more about kidney stones on that trip...amongst other things!)
Holly and the G's...goodness all summed up...
Three days to G-Day...Graduation!
NOTE: this is such a fun week! Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am...this is how it should feel!

This began long before she was ever in school...or even preschool. Holly spent her first Valentine's and St. Patrick's Day in ACH (that was our longest stay...six weeks to the day). Johnnie just thought she needed to she bought the outfit, and we dressed up best as one can with tubes and such also being our friends.
Holly has run more errands, bought more Sonic drinks (thanks, Holly!), sat and waited on me "to finish" whatever I was working on, "volunteered" to help (or was firmly persuaded), adopted family and attended many baseball games watching "my little cousin," grew up, in part, at Keely's house with another teacher mom...then went to church and did this all over again...all because she was blessed to be a teacher's kid and live in that environment...often our home away from home.
To all who have had a part in the "fun" of being a student the last 13+ years...the trips, the events...the molding and shaping of the person living within...thank YOU!
Holly would not be The Holly we know...without YOU!
As for Holly's bangs, I like to think we got better with time.
:) Maybe?

Four Days to G-Day = Graduation!

To ALL...and there are so many...who have prayed for us, assisted us, laughed and cried with part of Holly's Journey...thank YOU! To family who are blood...and to friends who became family along the way...thank YOU! for those earrings...well, if you have ever raised know...sometimes, you pick your battles!

Part 1 of 6 days of bear with me?
Picture 1: Even back then, maybe she knew that one day she would leave the baby phase of her life...enter 13 years of public enter the next begin the phase of obtaining her degree in education...maybe?
To all of you who have had an impact on Holly Gayle Gillmore's education...we thank YOU!
Saturday, April 15, 2017
I Just Finished...
For the first time ever, I endeavored to participate in my own personal way...and one also encouraged by a group of ladies across the nation, as we read Liz Curtis Higgs' The Women of Easter. This has been the most amazing 39 days...just an increased awareness as I walked the paths, observed the relationships, listened to the conversations of all the many Mary's...and their relationships with Jesus Christ came ever more alive for me.
Part of the book study involved journaling at the end of each chapter. This I enjoyed also, for through writing, I reflect and learn more about myself. I hear various authors encourage this, and as an English teacher, I get it (encourage...okay, students write daily, even multiple times). Just seems as if time evades me, though, being used up by other tasks or seemingly more pressing deadlines. Yes, I makes time for what one wants the most. (That was a bit hard to type!)
Challenge to self: keep that journal close and reflect as I read the Bible, adding further to those reflections here on this blog! Yay! Good plan! Now, my friend!
ALSO...very excited to say...I saw and heard Liz Curtis Higgs during this read when I attended (and was sooooo blessed) Women of Joy in Branson. Listen! I tweeted out that I had just seen her...and was starstruck! Then, she tweeted me back! How cool is that!? I went by her booth a few times but never caught her there.
Then, she spoke. To me...and 3,999 other women. :) The woman is amazing...humble, loving, inspiring...and, oh, so funny!
Now, if I type here that I hope to hear her again in November in Springfield, MO, will that make this a bit too much? Well, I am...and so do some of the other ladies who attended Women of Joy with me. Yay! Going to get our worship on with Liz Curtis Higgs who directs all worship to Him.
Now....back to The Women of Easter...
Part of the book study involved journaling at the end of each chapter. This I enjoyed also, for through writing, I reflect and learn more about myself. I hear various authors encourage this, and as an English teacher, I get it (encourage...okay, students write daily, even multiple times). Just seems as if time evades me, though, being used up by other tasks or seemingly more pressing deadlines. Yes, I makes time for what one wants the most. (That was a bit hard to type!)
Challenge to self: keep that journal close and reflect as I read the Bible, adding further to those reflections here on this blog! Yay! Good plan! Now, my friend!
ALSO...very excited to say...I saw and heard Liz Curtis Higgs during this read when I attended (and was sooooo blessed) Women of Joy in Branson. Listen! I tweeted out that I had just seen her...and was starstruck! Then, she tweeted me back! How cool is that!? I went by her booth a few times but never caught her there.
Then, she spoke. To me...and 3,999 other women. :) The woman is amazing...humble, loving, inspiring...and, oh, so funny!
Now, if I type here that I hope to hear her again in November in Springfield, MO, will that make this a bit too much? Well, I am...and so do some of the other ladies who attended Women of Joy with me. Yay! Going to get our worship on with Liz Curtis Higgs who directs all worship to Him.
Now....back to The Women of Easter...
- My Favorite Mary: Mary of Magdeline. As I noted in my journal, maybe she is my favorite because I learned the most about her? She was there...everywhere. The Lord had done amazing things for her. Cast out demons. Delivered her. Liberated her. Loved her. Then, that one-way street became a two-way. She loved Him back, always wanting to learn more. There, I am. I always tell people who are a bit discouraged or disgruntled: when you go to church, plan for Him to meet you song, in fellowship, in message, for He has told us...where two or three are gathered, He's there. (Sidenote: just imagine how much of Him was there when 4000 gathered at Women of Joy! Answer: the same amount as when two or three are gathered. Powerful He is!
- The Scriptures: LCH slows the Bible down...reading, studying, analyzing verse by verse...sometimes, word by word. "Woman!" Again, there I am! Right there, in the scriptures, He's speaking to me. This method is powerful, for often in our speed to read, we miss the nuggets gleaned from a word study. Sometimes, we miss the lessons learned between the verses themselves, as we slow down and consider what happened between the time spans of the words and verses.
I plan to study/read Higgs' The Women of Christmas this way this year...just a few pages each morning. Looking forward to it!
Tomorrow, is Day 40. Easter. Then, I will land in His Word, in His House, with His People...for He will be there, too.
He is risen! Hallelujah!
#lizcurtishiggs #WomenofEaster #HeIsRisen! #Hallelujah!
Friday, April 14, 2017
A Good, Good Friday
May I share a poem I just wrote...just for today...on this Good Friday...?
In celebration of National Poetry Month...celebrating the Spoken Word...
A Good, Good Friday
A four day week, for little snow did the clouds release.
A four day week, an extra day to our weekend increase.
A four day week, a Good Friday to celebrate:
No school. This day the Lord sin did dominate.
On this Good Friday, I remember...
The walk.
The women.
The seven sayings.
The body gently placed.
All my sins forgiven, grace and mercy interlaced.
On this Good Friday, I remember...
My job is not finished.
My salvation joy again replenished.
My love for Him never to be diminished
His Light, His Love, His Grace...never extinguished.
On this Good Friday, I remember... spend time with Him.
...He gave time for me.
...for today He gave His Only Son.
...this He did just for me.
Yes...this is a Good, Good Friday.
In celebration of National Poetry Month...celebrating the Spoken Word...
A Good, Good Friday
A four day week, for little snow did the clouds release.
A four day week, an extra day to our weekend increase.
A four day week, a Good Friday to celebrate:
No school. This day the Lord sin did dominate.
On this Good Friday, I remember...
The walk.
The women.
The seven sayings.
The body gently placed.
All my sins forgiven, grace and mercy interlaced.
On this Good Friday, I remember...
My job is not finished.
My salvation joy again replenished.
My love for Him never to be diminished
His Light, His Love, His Grace...never extinguished.
On this Good Friday, I remember... spend time with Him.
...He gave time for me.
...for today He gave His Only Son.
...this He did just for me.
Yes...this is a Good, Good Friday.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Inspire Me More
Yesterday, friend Brenda and I spent the day with several ladies from our area...and 600 from our the annual Inspire Conference. My third time to attend, I so enjoyed...and needed...this time for me.
This year's theme was More of Jesus: in all areas, including church, work, family, friendships...and... I attended the breakout sessions on friendship and work, both areas in which I pray the Lord would use me...more.
Three more of my favorites:
This year's theme was More of Jesus: in all areas, including church, work, family, friendships...and... I attended the breakout sessions on friendship and work, both areas in which I pray the Lord would use me...more.
Three more of my favorites:
- Keynote Speaker Rachel Lovingood listened to the Lord and called for those wanting to repent at the beginning of her last session...and one responded, and I rejoiced. This part of a conference is ever becoming my favorite part. Another name was written down. That is just perfection.
- Lovingood also closed with a candle lighting service, which the ladies went to the light, instead of simply spreading the light, just as we must always go to the light before we can spread our light. Lord, give me some fire...give me more light. Very powerful!
- Coffee...for the third year, Captain Jack's served coffee to the ladies. I just love this mission work, a group who sends 1/3 of their profits back to a village in Guatemala, a village that is advancing because we here in America drink their coffees. Now, this is just a win-win! Two years ago, at one the Inspire Conference, I bought a Captain Jack's coffee mug and began something new...each time I drank coffee from that mug, I prayed for that mission work. This is good thing...and so is the coffee.
Would you say Philippians 4:13 with me:
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Monday, February 27, 2017
For My Two Ears...Part 1
Currently, my Sunday evening class is studying the seven churches in Revelation. Using the study materials from Beth Moore's The Beloved Disciple (via the Masterwork curriculum and her own books) and Sam Storms To the One Who Conquers, we are focusing on what the message to each church is saying to us, individually, today.
So far, we have studied the churches of Ephesus and Smyrna. So very interesting.
So far, we have studied the churches of Ephesus and Smyrna. So very interesting.
- Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7): From this church, the Lord reminded not leave your first love. Do not love "doing" more than than praising, worshiping, and spending time with just the Lord, for when you read the message to the Ephesian church, they most certainly sound like the most diligent of churches. As our pastor first noted, "This is a church our would want to be like...except..." Right. Except. Except they had left their first love.
HOW DOES ONE NOT LEAVE the FIRST LOVE? Stay in The Word. Quiet time with the Lord. Stay in The Word. Yes, remain in The Word. - Smyrna (Revelation 2: 8-11): The Suffering Church. Suffering for Him. He who did not rescue them from the suffering but further prepared them for the suffering. This He does for us, for not always are we spared the suffering, but He never leaves us, never abandons us.
This study is so interesting. Just have to be I always am...I have never slowed down and read the words to the churches this slowly, identifying the five parts of the message to each church:
- Identification
- Commendation
- Rebuke - only two of the seven had reason for NO rebuke.
- Exhortation
- Encouragement
As I mentioned above, to assist in studying in this manner, I encourage the use of the following two books...AND, of course, a good study Bible:
- Sam Storms' To the One Who Conquers: very in depth, with much history and expounding on the words within each verse, as this is a 50-day meditation on these churches. VERY good resource.
- Beth Moore's The Beloved Disciple: Her chapters shorter, Moore's book reiterates, while at the same time, approaching the topics with different insights. Maybe having a male and female perspective is a powerful way to approach a subject?
I very much look forward to what this ear needs to hear from the remaining messages to the churches. So very interesting and timely and needed.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Through His Word
For the past two weeks, my Sunday School, using the Gospel Project curriculum, has been studying of my favorite books of the Bible...definitely in the top 66!
Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me through this book, in a mighty and powerful way.
Let me pause...God speaks to me through His Word often, but two times, He has spoken more loudly, more profoundly (if possible), more direct. When I read Nehemiah 6:3 that day, I stopped, re-read...and re-read: I am doing a good work, and I cannot come down.
The second time this occurred, a few years later, happened while reading II Chronicles 20:15b. Yes, the battle's not mine...but His.
Through these scriptures, I have learned much:
Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me through this book, in a mighty and powerful way.
Let me pause...God speaks to me through His Word often, but two times, He has spoken more loudly, more profoundly (if possible), more direct. When I read Nehemiah 6:3 that day, I stopped, re-read...and re-read: I am doing a good work, and I cannot come down.
The second time this occurred, a few years later, happened while reading II Chronicles 20:15b. Yes, the battle's not mine...but His.
Through these scriptures, I have learned much:
- God's Word is alive. He speaks, sometimes quietly, sometimes so loudly you have to sit and make sure that He is finished, heart beating a bit faster, listening for more.
- I have learned that I can be less verbal, less active, for when I am less involved, He receives all The Glory. Yes.
- He is ever mindful, knowing exactly what I need, when I need it. His timeliness is perfect.
Tonight, in Discipleship Training class as we studied the Seven Church Ages, one of several lessons of which we were reminded...He wants us to ever be getting to know Him...through His Word, through praise and worship, through Quiet Time...just by spending time with Him.
As we noted tonight, I want to love Him more. More tomorrow than I did today. More next week than last month. Just more....
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Preparing the Way
In my Bible read this morning, I learned about Moses for the first time. Okay, I didn't learn about Moses for the first time...I gained an insight, a nugget, that had never sparked for me before.
Remember, when Moses leaves Egypt, helps some girls water their animals, meets their dad, marries one of those girls? You want me to write here that "they lived happily ever after," don't you? Even as you know they don't! You remember the story...they would spend a long time...40 years...roaming...
Let's go back to Midian; that time he spent there...meeting his girl, becoming a dad...he was learning about contrasts between a prince and a shepherd, even as God prepared him for leadership, even as he learned about living in a wilderness, even as he was humbled.
This time had to happen. This time needed to happen.
This time was on-the-job training for The Job that Moses would almost see to completion. Spoiler Alert: Moses does not enter the Promise Land.
Now, advance forward to the 21st Century and you and myself. Have you ever felt as if God had left in you a strange land, with no foreseeable way out, even as he blesses you with family...and things...and stuff...yet you feel that calling to more...and more?
Then, God sends an angel. Then, God himself speaks.
"Here I am!" Moses replied.
"Here I am!" you reply.
"Here I am!" I reply.
That on-the-job training can just be so hard. So hard.
The Bible tells us it must happen. There, we meet Jesus. He meets us right there.
Are you there now?
Remember, when Moses leaves Egypt, helps some girls water their animals, meets their dad, marries one of those girls? You want me to write here that "they lived happily ever after," don't you? Even as you know they don't! You remember the story...they would spend a long time...40 years...roaming...
Let's go back to Midian; that time he spent there...meeting his girl, becoming a dad...he was learning about contrasts between a prince and a shepherd, even as God prepared him for leadership, even as he learned about living in a wilderness, even as he was humbled.
This time had to happen. This time needed to happen.
This time was on-the-job training for The Job that Moses would almost see to completion. Spoiler Alert: Moses does not enter the Promise Land.
Now, advance forward to the 21st Century and you and myself. Have you ever felt as if God had left in you a strange land, with no foreseeable way out, even as he blesses you with family...and things...and stuff...yet you feel that calling to more...and more?
Then, God sends an angel. Then, God himself speaks.
"Here I am!" Moses replied.
"Here I am!" you reply.
"Here I am!" I reply.
That on-the-job training can just be so hard. So hard.
The Bible tells us it must happen. There, we meet Jesus. He meets us right there.
Are you there now?
Monday, January 23, 2017
How Many Million?
According to an e-letter from author Karen Kingsbury...
Twenty million is ten times the number of women who marched this past weekend because they are oppressed as they live in the best and most blessed country ever.
No, none of these oppressed women marched for those embryos who would have become young ladies, yes, women, who truly had no voice. Killed, murdered from the worst of bullying situations.
Dear Jesus, have mercy on us all.
Yesterday, was the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Since then 60 million babies have been killed.60 million. Let's say that just one-third of that number would have been female. Yes, 20 million.
Twenty million is ten times the number of women who marched this past weekend because they are oppressed as they live in the best and most blessed country ever.
No, none of these oppressed women marched for those embryos who would have become young ladies, yes, women, who truly had no voice. Killed, murdered from the worst of bullying situations.
Dear Jesus, have mercy on us all.
Just No
Over the last month or so, I have encountered such an attitude of entitlement, of trickery, of untruths from those who have asked for help, from those whose names were shared, from those for whom we were doing a "good deed."
A sign of the times?
I must remind myself that what we do, what I do, I should, I must, do as unto the Lord, just as Paul tells in the book of Ephesians when he wrote, "...rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man." (6:7, ESV)
The Enemy is just working, overtime, to hinder our walk with the Lord. He wants us to become selfish, creating an even enlarged "Me!" world. He wants us to be treated in unGodly ways to discourage our do-good spirits in this world where our lights need to shine, not flicker, but shine.
Is he succeeding?
Today, I learned of a loss of a $150, spent without permission, spent in ways different than we had agreed, not returned as was told. This comes on top of crocodile tears, fake since the family is not in need as we had thought. This comes on top of boxes of food distributed...with not a word of gratitude expressed.
Is he succeeding?
Our van ministry consists of children and youth, all of whose parents drive, choosing simply to not attend church with their children, declining to bring their kids to church if the van does not run, seemingly using us as babysitters, often bearing hurt feelings when routes and timings change.
Is he succeeding?
Giving, sharing, these instances bring me great joy, for I do them as unto the Lord, giving the money back to Him, praying that the money becomes a blessing, a hope for a better tomorrow, a hope in Him spreading throughout our community.
Giving, sharing, theses times spent with children...remember how Jesus loved children?...learning from them, teaching them to pray, watching their faith build as prayers are answered, witnessing their maturation as they attend church service after service.
No, he is not succeeding. He may attempt to knock me around, push me back, stomp on our attempts to further spread The Word.
No. Just no.
Today, I dropped off a strawberry milkshake to a sickly friend.
Today, I visited two in the hospital, one with a just diagnosed cancer, another with heart concerns and attacks.
Today, I ordered two books for a student who needs me to order books for him because he must have books in his life, for they offer an escape when life is just too real.
Tomorrow, I will take dinner to a friend upon being released from the hospital because I am his family in Christ.
All these encounters make me happy, bringing peace and contentment to my soul, a soul owned by Him and in service to Him.
No, that enemy will not succeed.
Just no.
A sign of the times?
I must remind myself that what we do, what I do, I should, I must, do as unto the Lord, just as Paul tells in the book of Ephesians when he wrote, "...rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man." (6:7, ESV)
The Enemy is just working, overtime, to hinder our walk with the Lord. He wants us to become selfish, creating an even enlarged "Me!" world. He wants us to be treated in unGodly ways to discourage our do-good spirits in this world where our lights need to shine, not flicker, but shine.
Is he succeeding?
Today, I learned of a loss of a $150, spent without permission, spent in ways different than we had agreed, not returned as was told. This comes on top of crocodile tears, fake since the family is not in need as we had thought. This comes on top of boxes of food distributed...with not a word of gratitude expressed.
Is he succeeding?
Our van ministry consists of children and youth, all of whose parents drive, choosing simply to not attend church with their children, declining to bring their kids to church if the van does not run, seemingly using us as babysitters, often bearing hurt feelings when routes and timings change.
Is he succeeding?
Giving, sharing, these instances bring me great joy, for I do them as unto the Lord, giving the money back to Him, praying that the money becomes a blessing, a hope for a better tomorrow, a hope in Him spreading throughout our community.
Giving, sharing, theses times spent with children...remember how Jesus loved children?...learning from them, teaching them to pray, watching their faith build as prayers are answered, witnessing their maturation as they attend church service after service.
No, he is not succeeding. He may attempt to knock me around, push me back, stomp on our attempts to further spread The Word.
No. Just no.
Today, I dropped off a strawberry milkshake to a sickly friend.
Today, I visited two in the hospital, one with a just diagnosed cancer, another with heart concerns and attacks.
Today, I ordered two books for a student who needs me to order books for him because he must have books in his life, for they offer an escape when life is just too real.
Tomorrow, I will take dinner to a friend upon being released from the hospital because I am his family in Christ.
All these encounters make me happy, bringing peace and contentment to my soul, a soul owned by Him and in service to Him.
No, that enemy will not succeed.
Just no.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
He Was There...All the Time
This week has resulted in God placing me in a path at least three times. As I ponder on these encounters, I realize that His placing me there...was also for me.
I have been working with a student who will be the first in his family to graduate...just as I was. When I told my husband about this, his comment was, "This still happens in this day and age?"
Yes, first generation graduates still happen.
The first semester, I dragged, pushed, plodded that kid across the passing line, knowing that at times that kid probably could not stand me! But. But this semester he is different. He's paying attention, completing assignments, talking to others, accepting my offer to buy him more books to read. He is engaged within the classroom. What has made the difference? I truly think he needed success in his life, and passing my class was that success. Maybe he needs someone in his corner, saying, "You can do this."
He can. He did. He will.
Then, I noticed him talking to a football player, encouraging the Football Player to read a book. Yay!
Then, I decided to ask that Football Player to join what I am calling The Tag Team, for several of us are tag teaming to ensure this boy graduates, as we are already telling him we will stand and cheer when he walks across that stage on graduation night. The first in his family to graduate. (You may want to make plans to attend, also!)
The Football Player stops by after I asked him to drop in when he had a moment. Now picture it: this is a boy whose parents are a doctor and teacher, who has had much success and popularity in school. As I began to describe Boy 1 and explain some of the situation, noting that he could make a difference in this young man's life, he would say, "I have noticed." "I want to be a part of this."
I had chill bumps all over me. God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.
You see...I was born for such a moment as this...and so were both of these young men.
Later in the week, with my senior English classes, we analyzed Baca's poem "A Daily Joy to Be Alive," and, at one point, I shared with them some of my "ruins" from which "new beginnings" came, for as, I explained to them, I have applied for several positions within my district and have never been hired. No matter the degrees, experience, or test scores. As a matter of fact, I was not hired for my current position; I came in when my former school was forced to consolidate.
Yet...when other schools called and asked me to apply, I could not. Spiritually, I could not get permission to leave.
At one point in that discussion, I heard myself say, "You see I am to enter that door right there...every day...until another door opens for me. I am to teach."
I heard a quiet voice say, "That is so inspiring."
Yes, it was to me, also, for those words were for me, for that was one of those times when you finish talking...and you know that it wasn't really you talking.
God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.
You see...I was born for such a moment as this.
On this same day, another student shared that his mom made him read 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and "some other book."
Since he was forced to read those books, his mom has since eased into Heaven, and he has such a precious memory.
I told him, "You had a good momma."
You see...I was born for such a moment at this.
I wish I could take back every time I have moaned and groaned and questioned why those doors in my professional life will not open for me.
They will not open, for I am praying that God's Perfect Will be done in my life.
His Will is that I enter my classroom door every day...until He opens another.
I have been working with a student who will be the first in his family to graduate...just as I was. When I told my husband about this, his comment was, "This still happens in this day and age?"
Yes, first generation graduates still happen.
The first semester, I dragged, pushed, plodded that kid across the passing line, knowing that at times that kid probably could not stand me! But. But this semester he is different. He's paying attention, completing assignments, talking to others, accepting my offer to buy him more books to read. He is engaged within the classroom. What has made the difference? I truly think he needed success in his life, and passing my class was that success. Maybe he needs someone in his corner, saying, "You can do this."
He can. He did. He will.
Then, I noticed him talking to a football player, encouraging the Football Player to read a book. Yay!
Then, I decided to ask that Football Player to join what I am calling The Tag Team, for several of us are tag teaming to ensure this boy graduates, as we are already telling him we will stand and cheer when he walks across that stage on graduation night. The first in his family to graduate. (You may want to make plans to attend, also!)
The Football Player stops by after I asked him to drop in when he had a moment. Now picture it: this is a boy whose parents are a doctor and teacher, who has had much success and popularity in school. As I began to describe Boy 1 and explain some of the situation, noting that he could make a difference in this young man's life, he would say, "I have noticed." "I want to be a part of this."
I had chill bumps all over me. God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.
You see...I was born for such a moment as this...and so were both of these young men.
Later in the week, with my senior English classes, we analyzed Baca's poem "A Daily Joy to Be Alive," and, at one point, I shared with them some of my "ruins" from which "new beginnings" came, for as, I explained to them, I have applied for several positions within my district and have never been hired. No matter the degrees, experience, or test scores. As a matter of fact, I was not hired for my current position; I came in when my former school was forced to consolidate.
Yet...when other schools called and asked me to apply, I could not. Spiritually, I could not get permission to leave.
At one point in that discussion, I heard myself say, "You see I am to enter that door right there...every day...until another door opens for me. I am to teach."
I heard a quiet voice say, "That is so inspiring."
Yes, it was to me, also, for those words were for me, for that was one of those times when you finish talking...and you know that it wasn't really you talking.
God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.
You see...I was born for such a moment as this.
On this same day, another student shared that his mom made him read 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and "some other book."
Since he was forced to read those books, his mom has since eased into Heaven, and he has such a precious memory.
I told him, "You had a good momma."
You see...I was born for such a moment at this.
I wish I could take back every time I have moaned and groaned and questioned why those doors in my professional life will not open for me.
They will not open, for I am praying that God's Perfect Will be done in my life.
His Will is that I enter my classroom door every day...until He opens another.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
2017's My One Word
For the seventh year, I have chosen a, for the seventh year, a word had chosen me.
Different this time, my word came practically as one year ended and another began. In the past, the word always came earlier in December, giving me days, if not weeks, to dwell, to linger, to ponder on the word. Not this year. Day after day and no word. I would think of a word. Pause. Then nothing. Not that gentle nudge. Not that conviction. Not that sweet peace.
So, I waited. Then.
On New Year's Eve, as I attempted to finish my first complete read of a chronological read of the Bible, yes, right there in Revelations, as I was writing down word after word that I thought might speak to me, there came My One Word: diligent. That gentle nudge. That conviction. That sweet peace.
Looking back now, I cannot find the word diligent used in the Revelation, although the word is used elsewhere. Yes, the word just spoke to me!
Thus, to kick off my participation in Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team and to begin my focus on My One Word, I am committing to memorize the next five verses in this order, which will take me into March for SSMT:
- 2 Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. HCSB
- 2 Peter 3:14 - Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. ESV
- Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. KJV
- 2 Peter 1:10 - Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. ESV
- Hebrews 6:11 - We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. NIV
As mentioned before, this is my seventh year. Listed below are my six previous words that I will not be leaving behind, as my growth in these word continues, every year.
- 2011: Peace
- 2012: Quiet
- 2013: Fit
- 2014: Smile
- 2015: Complete
- 2016: All
I simply cannot promote this choosing of a word enough, whether you choose the word...or whether that word chooses you. I have encouraged it at church and at school. Honestly, I am never sure if anyone climbs on board, for this seems to be a private step. Then, later in the year, a student will mention it, maybe never telling me the word. Maybe the next year...or two years later (as happened last week)...a friend from church will say, "This year, my word is..., and my previous two words were...." Fair enough. I understand private.
The effect is long-term, life-changing, love-indwelling.
Won't you join?
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The First Complete Read-Through
I finished reading the Bible.
I finished reading the Bible for the first time.
I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover.
I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover using a chronological Bible.
Am I proud of this?
Yes, because I can now say I have read the entire Bible...from cover to cover. Yes.
No, because I should have completed this mission years ago and have been finishing that cover to cover read for the umpteenth time.
I have begun reading through again. This time I hope to read the entire Bible in one year. This time, I will again us this arrangement here. I learned so much...sooooooo much...using this method. The Bible came alive and was much less confusing in the repetitions.
Also, a good study Bible is just priceless. I love mine. Should God ever tell me to give mine away (I have heard tell of that!), then, I would just have to buy another. Right then.
Reading the Bible through gives me such a sense of completeness (that word...that one word...complete...from two years ago...still having an impact even today).
Keep reading!
I finished reading the Bible for the first time.
I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover.
I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover using a chronological Bible.

Yes, because I can now say I have read the entire Bible...from cover to cover. Yes.
No, because I should have completed this mission years ago and have been finishing that cover to cover read for the umpteenth time.
I have begun reading through again. This time I hope to read the entire Bible in one year. This time, I will again us this arrangement here. I learned so much...sooooooo much...using this method. The Bible came alive and was much less confusing in the repetitions.
Also, a good study Bible is just priceless. I love mine. Should God ever tell me to give mine away (I have heard tell of that!), then, I would just have to buy another. Right then.
Reading the Bible through gives me such a sense of completeness (that word...that one word...complete...from two years ago...still having an impact even today).
Keep reading!
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