Can one do too much? At what point does one become an Enabler?
For my church, I do the following
- Teach Sunday School
- Teach/lead Discipleship Training
- Teach kids/youth on Wednesday evenings
- Play the piano on Sundays
- Drive the church van three times a week
- Serve on Decorating and Special Events Committee
- Up until two weeks ago, created and printed the bulletin. Thank you, Mrs. Crystal, for taking that job.
- VBS director
- Other jobs as needed...or as I feel called.
I am often asked how I do what I do. My answer? He helps me.
Why do I do all this? Very simple: My calling is to fill in wherever there is a need. At this point, we have a lot of needs, so I do a lot.
Of that above list, I cannot say I feel that numbers three and five are my calling. Again, they are just needs we have in church. For a while, we had no class on Wednesday evenings until...well, until I just came to the conclusion that of all the people going to church on Wednesday nights that the children and youth needed a class the most. They need the Bible teaching. Now. Those adults are grounded. The children and youth are not.
Then, I could not let go of a nudge from God that a young man who had not been coming to church just might...if we provided a ride. When we contacted him, he said yes. Now, we have up to 12 needing rides. Can you spell M I S S I O N F I E L D? Yes, that is how I spell it also.
As for the remaining teaching positions, I am called to teach, a gift from God, one I take seriously, one I enjoy immensely. Should I be teaching twice on Sundays, though?
I am gifted to play the piano, a gift from God. I will never play for anyone but Him, but I would be glad to sit and listen to someone else play.
Am I suffering burnout? No. I am just facing a reality that when I say "yes," this just allows others to say "no."
Which leads to my next concern. What happens when everyone says, "That is just not my calling?" What happens when everyone says no? That happens. For months, we had no children's class. Last Wednesday, we had 21 kids. 21. Twenty one. (Yes, the same amount no matter how I type that number!)
Here comes a bit of sarcasm. Are we going to get to the point that we cannot take out the trash because "that's just not my calling." We can't wipe down tables because "that's just not my calling." We can't have a Bible study on Wednesday evenings because "that's not my calling"?
The Lord has helped me long as I pray, "Lord, help me love those kids as you love them. Lord, help me love driving that church van as you would drive that van."
We in this day and age should really be beyond asking, "What would Jesus do?" We know what Jesus would do. That answer is easy. He would go forth. He would love. Answering the question is easy. Activating the answer is much harder.
Simply put, we are not living The Great Commission. As Greg Laurie says in his study Tell Someone, we are living The Great Omission. We want a social club. We want to gather and chat and gossip and leave and be home no later that our schedule allows.
I wish I could say here that I am handling all this with the right attitude. I am not. Sorry.
This came to a head this past week when I learned that the other two ladies that help me on Wednesdays...both are having surgeries. Surgeries they both need and must have. Both of them. I will not take this personally! I will not! Seriously! I am not that selfish! Right?!
Here's how we handle 21 kids with one teacher...the other two manage behavior and gather snacks and supplies...I teach. Did I mention most of these are elementary kids, some of whom have behavior concerns, all of whom need Jesus so badly...? (For my day job, I teach...high school. Not elementary. That age level is truly NOT my calling.)
Yes, the Lord will provide, for the answer is not to put the van in park and not have class. No, that is not the answer.
So, yes, we pray...and wait...and watch Him change the hearts, witness the "callings" occur, and work with those He will send.
For, yes, the van will run, and we will have class.
But...we are going to reorganize, for 21 kiddos in one class is just not feasible...or not for someone whose calling is not to teach this level!
You see...our Pastor has been saying they will come...and I had been saying, "We have to get ready." Our mission field is full, and I do believe the workers of that field will step up.
Stay tuned. I plan to testify about the outcome of this mission field.
In the meantime, I would appreciate your helping me pray for me that I be able love as Jesus loves, that I be able to go as Jesus goes.
Shall we pray?